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Octogenarian on Fire is the third book of poetry by Vilma Olsvary Ginzberg about aging. Whether intended or not, this trilogy is an extraordinary view on the later years of life. The poems exalt the thrills of living to an older age, while not hiding behind some false veneer of the issues and problems that we must all face some day.

Octogenarian on Fire

praise & recognition


“You're at the top of your game. Your presentation has never been better and I think your new book may be your best yet! I especially like the way you divided the contents into different sections that reflect the components of who you are as a person and a poet. And I especially liked your Trump poem. There's been many poems written about Trump, as you know, and I've read an anthology or two of them myself, but, for my money, you've written the best Trump or I should say anti-Trump poem yet.  I also was deeply moved by your poem about your brother--what a heartbreaker!”

David Madgalene

Editor, World of Change

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