I used to be big
I used to go to my office
every day
from 9 to 5
where I met with frightened nervous angry hurt and broken people
and held the strings
while they put themselves back together
I would come home
exhausted and energized
empty and refilled
my own hope reshined
my own world become pregnant
now decades later
my life has become so little
today the day lies bare
blank and open
before me
pillows neat on the couch
bed made
breakfast dishes drying in the rack
crossword puzzle
begun on the hassock
what I would like to do
this old body thwarts
the little I am able to do
trembles on its narrow ridge
over the vacuum of time
the emptiness of mere existence
stretches into foggy tomorrows
a stabbing pain
without locus
I am becoming frightened nervous angry hurt and broken
© Vilma Olsvary Ginzberg, 9-30-2019